Privacy Policy
CiCi Rayne’s Boutique does not collect, use or disclose the personal information of its customers, other than in compliance with this policy. by using our website and/or purchasing merchandise through our website, you agree to the content of our policy. that said, if, from time to time we elect to change or to amend our policy, we will let our customers know about such changes by posting an updated policy on our website. following the posting of such changes, the continued use of our website by any customer will constitute his or her acceptance of these changes, and his or her agreement to be bound by such changes. as such, customers are responsible to regularly review the content of this policy, as available on our website, including so as to be made aware of any changes to our policy since it was last viewed, as the case may be.

Security of personal information
CiCi Rayne’s Boutique will maintain the confidentiality of all personal information collected through our website and will only disclose such information to employees and authorized service providers who require such information for the purposes described in this policy. We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect against unauthorized access, use, modifications. We do not disclose of personal information under any circumstance, furthermore, each and every CiCi Rayne’s Boutique employees are required to apply and abide by this policy.

Secure shopping
When you place orders on our website, all of your order information, including your credit card number and delivery address, is transmitted through the internet using secure sockets layer (SSL) technology. SSL technology causes your browser to encrypt your order information before transmitting it to our secure server. This technology is designed to prevent someone other than operators of our website from capturing and viewing your personal information.